Every day I go home knowing I’m the favorite person of 2 cats. Here both of them are laying on my lap.
Are you your own favorite person? If not, why not? What qualities about yourself make you feel like you’re not worthy of being the person you enjoy spending the most time with? If you are your own favorite person, why does it matter if someone else feels like they’d rather spend time with you over anyone else? I feel if you enjoy your own company when you’re completely alone then the relationships you develop with others become more genuine, because you actually enjoy spending time with those people, rather than just being desperate to not be alone with yourself.
I don’t need to be someone’s favorite person, I don’t think. But I’ve grown exhausted with “uneven” friendships. I feel like every relationship I try to maintain, it’s a one sided effort. I’m the only one reaching out. I take note of their interests and utilize that info, send them cool links, spark convos, etc. But don’t really get it in return.
Perhaps that’s too demanding of me? Unrealistic? If so, I don’t think I understand what friendship is supposed to be and likely never will.
Same thing with me. I’ve joined a notorious uni known for ragging and bullying. Being friendless can make you their target. If not for that, I would rather be isolated than fruitlessly try and make friends.
What the fuck is wrong with your place that there is bullying at university? I think most people left that shit in high school, and I could have gone for days at uni without interacting with someone if I wanted…
I think I must have told you that I’m not an American. It’s worse than high school in uni here because the staff gives no fuck.
Me neither. I was at one trade school and two universities in central Europe, and I haven’t heard of any serious bullying. At most at the trade school, because the average age was around 18-19 and “shop talk” is a bit rougher by default. But at uni, where half the people are like 25?
I think I mistook the meaning of the word uni. The oldest students in my college are 20. There is no 25 year olds here. Tbh, I’ve never personally known a person who is like 25 and studies irl.
Even if you have a more straightforward resumee than me… You finish school here at 18, 5 years planned time for most master degrees, that makes you 23-24. Longer if you take a detour here or there.
We finish grade school here at 15 yo. Then 2 years of pre-university college. Then we start our degree courses at 18. Most of them are 3-4 years. I think it’s because my college does not offer master degrees.
My partner is my favorite person and I’m his. I would assume it’s true for (at least) many couples. Am I missing something, or are people just lonely?
People are just lonely.
Yeah, I don’t think this post is addressing folks who are in a relationship. 😅
Yeah, fair enough 😄
That would be majority of lemmy users.
What about everyone else who does not have a partner?
Of course, I just felt the premise was too specific to be relatable, because many people are someone’s favorite, and it’s not typical to wonder if you are someone’s favorite even when your lonely. But maybe that’s just me.
That’s great but it’s important to have friendships outside of your relationship as well.
It’s that what the post is about?
Well, that’s a huge strike-against.
Let me rephrase that. That kid-pidgin will earn heckling, and one’s reaction to that heckling - admit you’re older than 12 and promise to stop, vs really any other response - will determine whether we can be friends. It’s such a low bar.