That’s one for the history books y’all. How depressing.
Where’s that?
The FBI’s core values, including integrity, compassion, fairness, and allegiance to the Constitution - and oh, yeah, diversity, are being painted over at the FBI Academy. Source: NYT.
Almost guaranteed you’ll still be able to see it all with side lighting. Bad colour choice too.
According to a post on Instagram I can’t link because I don’t have an account, it’s an FBI office, apparently.
Seems like integrity, fairness, leadership, constitution really bothered them.
The core values of FBI were lost in the J. Edgar Hoover years when its mission was set aside to attack the enemies of the current administration, Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservatove.
Since then, its been a secret police to the bitter end.
Those core values were always about as important as Jesus’ Beatitudes are today, which is to say, propaganda for the idealist novice.
That’s real. Notice they did the edges first. The W is a technique to spread the paint out, then you roll top to bottom.
Not a W u_u