Don’t. Don’t even.
Don’t. Don’t even.
He’s blunt! He’s pissed! He’ll see you in the lists. Lichtenstein!
Haha now I’m just fury-laughing so I look way crazier snort what do I do lmfao I’m so fucking pissed rn
Yeah but not that well. I can yeet my body off the divingboard something goofy, plunge into the water, and make it back to the edge of the pool, and tbh that’s all the swimming ability that I’ve ever needed. At least I know that I can backstroke fairly effortlessly
Probably Idiot Box, but Dying for Pie is great too
Still, that’s gotta be a world first, right? First person to get run through with the handle of a toilet plunger?
If anyone has a relevant anecdote, please feel free to keep it to yourself!
She should have been a son
Who said anything about a house? Formerly-house rubble pile, that’s my final offer
Only if he brings the rest of oingo boingo
Well I was gonna say I.C. Weiner
An apple a day is good for you, 'kay?
Or “eh?” for the Canadians out there
That’s where I’m at. If in an alternate universe Congress did something like banning the distribution of harvested data, even just to foreign entities, and TikTok then refused to comply, then I’d be fully in support with them getting banned for it.
Here in the real world though, Congress apparently doesn’t have the balls to pass blanket privacy rights like that, because you see, that’d catch some of the wrong fish. I think it says a lot about the state of modern social media that all they were willing to go after TikTok for was something as nebulous as “national security risk”.
I have lots of issues with modern cars. Horsepower is not one of them. Idk if you can right now, but pretty recently you could spec a 300hp minivan from most major automakers.
weke? It’s the Internet, you can say weke
What the 1134, squid?