I’ve suffered from chronic ideation pretty much my whole life and I’m reasonably confident that I don’t want to and wouldn’t actually attempt to kill myself. I’ve tried to make that clear to my therapist and for the most part I think he understands but whenever it comes up it’s hard not to get annoyed at the time I feel like we’re wasting talking about it.
That said, looking at it from his perspective, I can see why he’d want to get ahead of it and take it seriously. It might even be a matter of career security as I wouldn’t be surprised if clients committing suicide can interfere with them getting their licenses renewed or something.
Because the stock market isn’t a measure of how well a country is operating. On the contrary, deregulation allows companies to boost profit via harmful means. Rich people got it good under Trump/Republicans and therefore the stock market thrives until disaster strikes and it all comes crashing down.