I like the cold❄️❤️
I like the cold❄️❤️
California: “way ahead of you bro”
There it is. Tankie moment.
Oh, honey
I mean…yeah. Those fuckers were as bad as the Nazis. Fuck Stalin, he’s a genocidal monster too, he just happened to be on the winning side.
Except my solution is not to exterminate Israel. Fighting genocide by supporting a different group of genocidal maniacs is lunacy. Hamas is bad. Israel is bad. I can’t even say who is worse, morally. Israel just happens to have greater capacity for inflicting their evil right now.
Sometimes, there are no good guys.
I don’t have an answer. I just know supporting Islamists is not the answer.
I have no patience for people who self-victimize.
Then why did the blockade stop and start at the same time ceasefire started and ended
LITERALLY specifically to fool low-information people like you.
In this situation, the anti-genocide is only against genocide of their people. They’d happily genocide the Jews, they just don’t have the physical ability to do so. This does not make them good guys.
That shit makes no goddamn sense and you should feel bad for ever considering it.
Handy flowchart for determining if you’re a pedophile
Are you attracted to children?
yes: pedophile
no: not pedophile
Me neither. Makes me appreciate it more, I think.
Plenty of blame to go around.
I love living in a multicultural place. I think I’ve personally met someone from almost every country on earth.
My dude this war in Yemen has been going on for like 10 years. If the idea of bombing Yemen sounds out of left field to you, then you are woefully uninformed.
It didn’t. It just took this long for people like you to realize it’s been happening.
In my city they have a planning commission. They take into account local studies, population patterns, future construction, and ridership data. They plan out the bus routes and stops and then they have a period of public comment. If there’s a need for a new stop, residents can petition their local representatives and join commission meetings to make suggestions. Stops are usually eliminated or consolidated when ridership data indicates they’re not necessary during annual reviews.
Yeah, gen x is by far and away the best generation (saying this as a millenial).
“Everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi” is not only a dumb argument, it’s a boring argument.