We have a little whiteboard on the fridge, and every time we run out of something or think of something we need, we write it up. When going to the supermarket, I take a photo with my phone - instant shopping list!
We have a little whiteboard on the fridge, and every time we run out of something or think of something we need, we write it up. When going to the supermarket, I take a photo with my phone - instant shopping list!
Waiting for a repeat of Jan 6 from the other side, or a civil war, or the sovcits to take over, or all of the above, or some other unknown catastrophe.
Whatever disasters may or may not have come about due to “bad” presidents in the past will pale in comparison to the events of the next few years.
Because phone numbers are more complicated than IP addresses.
He arrives neither early or late, but precisely when he means to.
John Hopkins on Short History Of has the most beautiful soothing voice.
I use an old toothbrush to get all the bits of crud out, then wipe down with disinfectant hand wipes.
im not gonna drink much after this for a while
Haha, famous last words
Why isn’t there a license to have a kid? With an exam to make sure you’re going to look after them properly?
When I was young and regularly drank to excess, they used to last until mid afternoon.
No surgery, I have incurable blood cancer (multiple myeloma). I spent a year not responding to several different flavours of chemo. After “getting my affairs in order” and saying goodbye, they decided to do a stem cell (“bone marrow”) transplant, then another. Two more years of chemo, and now I’m in “myeloma remission” — cancer levels are too low to detect, but it always comes back…
vim with appropriate syntax highlighting, or kate
Same, but chemotherapy was my trigger. Some doctors tell me “that never happens”; others say “yea, that’s common”.
I used to be able to speak five languages fluently, now three of them have almost completely disappeared. I can’t watch movies because I can’t keep track of who’s who and why they’re doing that. Same with reading books.
I pick up my iPad and can’t remember why. I read something and get stuck on words, I recognise a word and I know that I know what it means, but can’t remember. I’ll be speaking, get halfway through a sentence, and can’t remember what I was talking about.
I feel like the guy in Flowers for Algernon, who had it all and then lost it; and he knows it.
Guidelines for a Space Propulsion Device Based on Heim’s Quantum Theory
I thought it sounded interesting, but the mathematics was beyond me.
Xfce, openbox, twm