I use the Flatpak and here’s how to get VA-API working:
Run the following command: ls -lah /dev/dri/render* and note down the number behind renderD
Create a project
Go to Project -> Render
Select VAAPI AMD H264 and click Save current preset asnewcustom preset
In the new preset, replace renderD129 with the result of the command in step 1, e.g. renderD128
You should now be able to hardware encode with the custom preset. Since you have an 7900 XTX you can also use H265 and AV1 to encode. For that you can copy the preset again and replace h264_vaapi with av1_vaapi or hevc_vaapi. When using AV1, you also have to switch the audio codec to opus instead of aac.
I use the Flatpak and here’s how to get VA-API working:
ls -lah /dev/dri/render*
and note down the number behindrenderD
Project -> Render
and clickSave current preset as new custom preset
with the result of the command in step 1, e.g.renderD128
You should now be able to hardware encode with the custom preset. Since you have an 7900 XTX you can also use H265 and AV1 to encode. For that you can copy the preset again and replace
. When using AV1, you also have to switch the audio codec toopus
instead ofaac