Taxes on the rich go way up, and so UBI is just a refundable tax credit, but some people pay more than they receive = taxation, where others receive more than they pay = negative taxation.
Taxes on the rich go way up, and so UBI is just a refundable tax credit, but some people pay more than they receive = taxation, where others receive more than they pay = negative taxation.
For example if the cost of living is $1000 and you give people who need it $1000 then before long the cost of living would rise to $2000.
You may choose to have a $2000 cost of living, but you would choose that too through a pay raise. You could be empowered to keep $1000 cost of living, and there would be more apartments like “yours” if everyone else is moving up in lifestyle.
UBI gives you more choices. If you think everyone else is passive, just paying what they are told, you can use the opportunity to build more affordable life options for people, including easy access to loans from all of the extra money getting spent.
The politics are easy, except that it needs a political champion who promises and delivers the redistribution of power that is UBI.
A UBI of $12000/year ($1000/month) for just all working-age people in the US (a bit over 200 million) would cost the government $2.4 TRILLION, yearly.
Technically UBI saves government money. That $2.4T is just transfers from net tax payers to net receivers. Zero government discretion/power to stop it. But because programs can be cut at that UBI level, It costs somewhere around $1200B (all government levels) less to provide $2.4T. Once you look at military budget as something that could increase your own cash, even more.
A fair tax system that eliminates payroll taxes and pays for universal healthcare can be 33%. Or 25% for first $100k income, and surtaxes at higher income levels.
The problem with saying everything is Russia’s fault, and Trump has no agency, is that you can only still beg the US to be your friend instead of getting closer to Russia. If not “Putin Derangement Syndrome” it is CIA brainworm/misinformation to force your loyalty to hatred against Russia, and somehow, the empire directly threatening war against you makes a better friend.
There is a massive insider trading opportunity if you know currencies will go up and down 3% based on toddler tantrums. Currencies can be traded at high leverage if one wants to, and is certain of outcomes.
One reason to downvote is actually that Marxism doesn’t have huge marketing buzz in favour of it. It’s not a label that would increase popularity.
UBI on top of universal healthcare is far better happiness promotion, violence elimination, than all of the non-health proposals.
public housing is always rationed, and usually ghetoization. It is rarely implemented as government funded abundance of housing that is small to be affordable, and in competition to private scarce supply that maximizes profits and lobbying power to keep housing scarce. Promoting housing abundance along with UBI is path for zero cost government programs where market prices of homes sold cover costs.
strong unions is concerned with high paying jobs for union members, at higher priority than expanding union membership. Less employment. UBI provides universal labour bargaining power including strike pay for organized labour. The freedom to say no and survive is a freedom that is far more important than coercion of companies to support labour unions? or just cheering on labour organization movements.
universal childcare is usually proposed as an institutional/licensed program designed to provide full time employment at living wage levels. UBI empowers people to both pay for childcare, but also be happy to look after fellow parents kids on a rotating basis for people empowered to choose 4 day workweeks, or lets a granny be happy to supplement UBI with a few hours of babysitting without needing to create a giant empire to achieve full time job creation scheme. Motivation for universal childcare is that “bureaucratic tax funded worker empire” with incidental benefits to parents.
free college is necessarily a rationed service. Affordable college with UBI is a pathway for people qualified for college, and who appreciate value over alternative opportunies they could choose instead of college if value is not there, is still a choice most qualified young people would make. Importantly for UBI, young teens can have hope that affording college gives them a future… a reason to study and be engaged in school.
close to that at low, but ended up down less than 10%. If you are short term, you had opportunity to make 10% in a day. Long term, it is best performing assets, and should still outperform stock indexes in future. Don’t depend on it for your rent money for the month or year, but longer term you can probably turn it into a significant portion of a house or EV.
If you just want to escape your country, instead of buying illegal stuff in new country, a privacy coin isn’t a necessity.
Write disguised poem including your wallet seed.
and the more a country bans bitcoin, the more there is craigslist or localbitcoin hookup sites.
It only angers your intelligence officials if it is advice. “Not advice” means begging to stay friends. I advise staying friends, overtly, with NSA, to make sure that first they come for others.
Bitcoin is best. Can theoretically keep your wallet seed in your head instead of paper or on phone. Anything physical is subject to border guards or other transporation/exgress/ingress assisters.
As the shitter who wanted to inspect his shit, but from far away, climbed up 10 feet saying he wanted to avoid all smell, it was quickly exposed as a ruse as the undertaker rained fury down onto his fellow wrestler.
Tonya Harding is America. Winning fair??? vs winning.
Your example cost of living can apply to many people close to poverty line. Whether that is “general” or you is the same.
UBI will cause some inflation. More demand for stuff, quickly, with supply needing to catch up, and better labour bargaining power meaning higher labour costs.
But it is completely unreasonable to say that UBI makes people no better off. None of the money that gets spent or paid in taxes is destroyed. Very significant economic growth occurs. China can keep up with supply if US can’t, and we are collectively better off, but the richest are especially better off, with cheaper options for stuff. If housing costs skyrocket, big incentive for builders. You can choose room mates that with UBI can afford to pay. If you don’t want/need to work you can move to boonies where costs are lower, also with room mates. UBI lets people afford buying homes, with necessarily good credit from UBI safety net. Group buying easier.
Your fearmongering is not just false, it is an argument for continued power imbalance slavery. Even if your fear was true, we would still be better off through more choices and more power.