I don’t follow sports at all and am not from the USA but I only know Serena Williams.
I don’t follow sports at all and am not from the USA but I only know Serena Williams.
No absolutely don’t use full stops for one word replies. It can come across as very rude.
Which series how long ago?
I doubt the 3000 series has them because they suck, but all the 5000 series laptops I have used have had a shutter. Granted, I’m only really referring to laptops that released within the last 7 years or so.
I currently have a latitude 5430 and a brand new precision 3490 and they both have a shutter, but that’s not too surprising considering that they look identical to each other.
Most Dell latitudes and precisions also have a physical shutter.
I love that feature. It makes me more comfortable around the computer because no one can look at me without my consent.
Yeah, the Docker desktop license is crazy. Pretty sure it was changed recently too.
Don’t use passwords for ssh. Use keys and disable password authentication.
What teo windows admin do in 30 minutes I do in 30 seconds
You know that pretty much everything in Windows can be done with powershell, right? Just a few and very specific things need to be done using older command line tools, or extremely rarely using a GUI.
It’s trivial to write a script that changes the DNS configuration on every server for example. It’s even easy to parallelize it.
You pretty much only need something like this.
$Servers = “server01”, “server02”, “server03”
$Servers | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -Computername $_ -Scriptblock { Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses (“”,“”) }}
I can’t guarantee that it will run, since I wrote it on my phone (hence formatting), but it wouldn’t be far off. You could also do it without pipes using something like ‘foreach $server in $servers’ but that’s harder to type on a phone and I prefer pipes.
No, I have never heard of her.
Queen of the blades? That sounds like some B list super hero or villain, lol.
P.S. after reading the list again, I also recognized Anna. I believe that she is/was a chess player.