Use shutdown -h now
or -P 0
Or just use poweroff
Password manager from proton(protonmail/protonvpn guys)
Oohh ohh ohh i see
Segmentation fault
I’m not american but how exactly is making your name match birth certificate denying women’s rights?
Timeshift time
Mine was both amd and i am supposed to tell it to use amd instead of amd…
The photons move from laser to moon and it takes time of light’s speed. FTL is not possible in that case. Also the information is transmittes from earth to moon and not from one side of moon to other side of moon
Probably wiggly wiggly
Tbh I thought someone would make that joke when i wrote it lol
The problem lies in what “unstretchable” and “unbendable” means. Its always molecules and your push takes time to reach the other end. You think its instantaneous because you never held such a long stick. The push signal is slower than the light
The lightsaber direction is like / \
Its more likely caching. They just keep the cache of files opened earlier so that its ready for you if you need it immediately again. Also unused ram is wasted ram
That’s endevour’s job. Also i think they have most user friendly community after mint community