You sound like an American or European that wants to hide from the past.
No thoughts
You sound like an American or European that wants to hide from the past.
History of every country is full of rape and slavery. Not sure why you bring up America but it certainly had it during its short life. Name any long ago historic event in any country and a portrayal of it from the entrainment industry.
That’s a stupid take tbh. The entertainment sector has whitewashed and sugar-coated history so badly people believe that’s what actually happened. The truth of long historic events would never be accurately portrayed as it would contain almost exclusively rape and slave exploitation. The entertainment industry already portrays history as complete fiction so why not make it entertaining to more than just the groups who caused the rapes and exploitations.
Freedom of speech is just that, free from government interference(look it up). You are referring to censorship.
I totally agree. Still nothing to do with freedom of speech itself. The 1st amendment.
Not supporting this but freedom of speech is freedom from prosecution. If you are flipping burgers and tell a customer your favorite category of adult film, your getting fired.
No one said you should feel responsible or feel any guilt. Just accept the truth and not the “gool ol days” description that the entertainment industry pushes.