Why is Musk’s bullet shield ranked above Trump?
Why is Musk’s bullet shield ranked above Trump?
Well, yes, but it was a very weak case - but people were so sick of Bush that that was enough.
There is saying things, there is not doing things, and there is doing things.
Trump could say: “What if there was one day where there was no laws and people could just do anything, like the purge…” and… oh, he did say that during his first term. And democracy still survived. Saying things just make people loose respect for America. It is why Obama got the Nobel peace prize. Cause he stopped saying the shit that Bush was saying.
What people should be worried about is actions and inactions. It takes competency to do things. The more fascist a thing Trump wants to do, the more competent people leave and the less likely it is to be done. The true problem is it takes no level of competency to not do a thing.
So Trump’s end game is “Ask not what your country can do for you … because it can no longer do that.”
Trump: “I’ll run the USA like a company!”
How business people run companies: Fire all the competent people and replace with cheaper new hires. Report huge short term profits due to reduced payroll. Stock goes up. CEO ditches company and sells off stock before all the new hires completely wreak the company and tank the stock price.
Why wouldn’t the stock market be up at this point?