It is normal. But it goes something like this: The Incredible Tale of the Tiny Red Dog.
Words like of, the, are, is etc. don’t get a capital.
Sauce: MA in English Language, and voluntary journalist.
It is normal. But it goes something like this: The Incredible Tale of the Tiny Red Dog.
Words like of, the, are, is etc. don’t get a capital.
Sauce: MA in English Language, and voluntary journalist.
The Colosseum was never abandoned (apart from initially, obvs). The reason its still standing is that people (including popes) kept paying for it to be maintained.
They’ve picked trans people as a “danger” so people don’t realise what the true dangers are (like having a fascist president, for example).
I don’t even try Facebook Marketplace (or Ebay) anymore. I just ask on the local group “anybody fancy…” It’s much more effective. I think because then you get impulse buyers too instead of people looking for something specific.
Sure. But Popken, C&A, Bella Green, Bonprix, P&C (both iterations), Cecil, Braxx, etc. do not believe in boobs or hips. I found a French company that does, but they’re horrifyingly expensive.
The Netherlands is tiny and has a right wing extremist government full of very, very stupid people. In fact, the Dutch version of The Onion sued the minister of foreign affairs because it’s impossible to distinguish between what she says and what they come up with.
It’s not just the US. It’s the electoral system and the lack of checks and balances. There are just as many frigging idiots elsewhere, but they’re less likely to gain power and if they do, they can often not get away with anything because judges aren’t political appointments.
Even though this means men are getting special treatment. Because research into prostrate cancer, for example, hasn’t been banned.
Brandenburg only has 4 parties in parliament right now. The only reason the federal parliament has more is that Die Linke miraculously got lots of votes.
Did I end up on Ravelry?
Have a look at German clothing sites for fun. There is no “choice”.
Don’t forget the snakeskin is usually a mixture of pastels.
You think you’ve got a problem? Ours are stealing laptops!
Nowadays all women’s clothes are straight up and down, the only difference is pink. It’s a nightmare for women who are shaped like women.
You can switch it off in Revanced. I’d completely forgotten about this nonsense (I live in Germany, until Revanched fixed it half the videos I watched were in robot German).
First of all, the economy was doing fine under Biden.
How is banning the words “female”, “women” and “bias” in research papers getting the economy back on track?
How is taking away the passports of trans people and changing their gender getting the economy back on track?
Tell them research into women’s medical conditions (like endometrial cancer) is no longer allowed. I’d love to know how they’d spin that one as positive.
German is heading this way. Part of the vote is already FPTP and parties also have to have more than 4% of the vote to get a seat. In Brandenburg none of the small parties made it, and despite the SPD being the biggest party, the right wing is in charge, because all the other parties that got seats (BSW, CDU, AFD) are right wing and the SPD doesn’t have a majority.
There are European countries that don’t allow you to have dual citizenship.
Most European countries also don’t give citizenship to people marrying someone from their country. For example, in Germany you have to live there for 3 years, pass a German citizenship test and pass a B1 language test. In the UK it’s pretty much the same, but the citizenship test is virtually impossible and the entire process costs a bloody fortune. And you don’t get your money back if you get rejected.
He was never cool, but he used to be considered a mildly amusing rich guy. He actually seemed to have a sense of humour at some point.