Its right-wing because of the content and target of the trolling. They’ve said this started as a target harrasent of certain projects.
Its right-wing because of the content and target of the trolling. They’ve said this started as a target harrasent of certain projects.
You can safely do a shallow copy and re-use references to the unchanged members if you have some guarantee that those members are also immutable. Its called Persistent Data Structures. But that’s a feature of the language and usually necessitates a GC.
Saves memory.
Qtile is great because its a program-your-own WM. I think awesomewm is the same and offers Wayland support now.
If dmenu was made by a nazi I wouldn’t give a shit because its just dmenu but hyprland is so clearly made by a pack of /g/
zoomers who want their desktops to look like 1337 haXors without any access to the low level systems. Its all discord script kiddie hype-beasts.
Its a tiling window manager made by people who never used a tiling window manager on X11. I know I’m sounding like an elitist boomer but this shit really violates some core Unix principals of making small composable utilities that empower the user. RiverWM or Sway keep to this philosophy.
Early 00-10s indie synth:
Similar video gamey music:
Early dubstep:
Late 90s breakbeat: