We all agree regarding where Danish sits: https://youtu.be/ykj3Kpm3O0g
We all agree regarding where Danish sits: https://youtu.be/ykj3Kpm3O0g
All my guys love the Ø! We Even have the Ååhh. Jut let me know if that makes you Æææh!
Relevant: https://youtu.be/f488uJAQgmw
Completely unrelated to the meme: Whenever I see this picture I just can’t help thinking about how it must have felt to be literally Elvis in that moment. It’s honestly an awesome photo in the way you can tell that this guy feels like the king of the world right there.
There do of course exist (far too many) people out there that objectify women, but that’s not what this post is about (at least the way I’m reading it). I can definitely relate to the situation where some random woman will do some mundane everyday thing, like put on a purse or let down her hair, and my body just decides to react to that.
It has nothing to do with objectifying women, and of course I don’t make a point out of it, but just push it out of my head and move on with my day. The point of the post is that it’s funny and relatable how the body can just decide to send a puff of hormones around your system as a response to the most mundane things, even though you know that it’s wildly inappropriate. I’m sure you’ve experienced the same thing at some point?
I can see the first 8 being counted as just “letter with an accent”, but what about the last one? How can that not be its own letter? It’s a whole new symbol not found in the “base” alphabet ffs. You should definitely count at least that one - because size matters