Honestly if you’re still using Momo I pity you 💀
Honestly if you’re still using Momo I pity you 💀
Gimp has a few weak spots but it’s an incredibly capable tool and if you think phone apps can do things it can’t then I don’t think you know how to use it.
A well-documented config file is like the exact opposite of “tech paternalism”.
Windows users are used to everything being so locked down that it’s virtually impossible to mess up your system… lots of this stuff is in config files because exposing it for everyday users would be asking for people to completely brick their workflow.
If your wondering isn’t critical to the thought I would simplify to “the monkey who might be able to see my ears” or “can possibly see my ears”. Otherwise AbouBenAdhem has the best option, though I might also suggest “The monkey whose ability to see my ears I’m wondering about”; splitting the prepositional phrase is more strictly proper but I think it reads a little better like this.
Ah, I can see that you haven’t tried gaming on Linux in the last 5 years. Dependencies? Hah
The best way to clean glasses is with your fingers using warm water and dish soap. Don’t use super hot water, it can damage the coatings on some lenses. Start with a rinse to remove any particles, then clean them between your fingers, then a final rinse, shake them off and let them air dry.
Using any type of cloth can cause scratches as you’ve found.