There’s an alternate reality where the 2016 or 2020 primary were held fairly and Bernie won. Democrats won in a landslide on a populist campaign and delivered FDR-style reforms that made people’s lives tangibly better.
But instead, we live in a world run by idiotic monsters and their simpleton sycophants. They’ll run it all into the ground to make just a little bit more money. They’ll watch the world burn, thinking they’re going to lord over the ashes.
I don’t wanna hear leftists complain about old people in politics while they keep talking about Bernie the dinosaur.
I frankly can’t wait till he goes away so that the left can finally pick someone young and effective, instead of this old man who has great platitudes and beliefs, but zero clue how to get anyone of substance on board with his plans. He can’t even gather the support of the left, let alone the entire country or enough to win an election.
Edit: when I say the left, I mean the toxic American left that has taken over this year and is hell bent on destroying itself and rejecting each other while calling each other fascists. Meanwhile the right is united and laughing at you guys. Sincerely, a non American
Reminds me of this pic (couldn’t find one without the YouTube circle):
Just keep in mind that that guy’s life did not go well.
Explain to me!
This is August Landmesser. He had been engaged to a Jewish woman, Irma Eckler, but the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935 prevented him from marrying her; nonetheless they went on to have two daughters. Tragically, Irma later died in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Landmesser was also imprisoned, charged with ‘dishonouring the race’, sent to a concentration camp and, after his release and forced conscription, died on the Eastern Front.
Sinceriously, thank you for that
Haha, I had to reread sinceriously several times to work out that the original word was “sincerely”, well played, I seriously sincerely think sinceriously is a great word.
This is one of those great words that I will never remember when it’s relevant or useful to me