I was in favor of unisex bathrooms, but someone pointed out that women are constantly harassed by men and the only safe way to escape unwanted attention is to retreat to a place that men basically cannot enter.
That is, it can be unsafe for a woman to tell a man to leave her alone, or that she’s not interested, or similar. She can go to the bathroom though.
I don’t know if it differs outside of Canada but “unisex” means single occupancy just like a toilet at home. Where TF are unisex bathrooms where both genders collect en masse a thing? That’s just asking for sexual harassment.
I’ve heard the argument that as soon as there is one common bathroom, women will get stalked and raped in there….
Sorry to burst your bubble but if someone wanted to attack you, it’s not a triangle dress on a sign that would have stopped them.
It can. Mostly because if a person enters wrong bathroom, everyone there will focus on them. With women going into attack mode.
Except that if not there, that person will find another moment. x_x
The dude overpowering women and raping them is scared of women? Smooth idea so smooth and shiny you should keep this one.
They aren’t scared of woman. They should be scared of women.
In most cases, an average guy could be taken by as few as 3 average women – that’s a scientific statistic, based on my scientific person science feeling about how many average women it’d take to make me feel physically threatened.
You can throw all sorts of variables in there: is the guy an MMA fighter? Are any of the women fighters? Does anyone have weapons, from rocks or sticks, up to guns? Is one of the women Holly Holmes or Ronda Roussey? What if it’s Dwayne Johnson against Ronda Roussey, Holly Holmes, and Anne Mathis? Heck, I’d pay to see that fight. Dwayne’s not an MMA fighter, but all that mass and muscle is going to count.
Anyway, a reasonable small group of untrained women could fuck up your average untrained guy, especially if the women aren’t holding back; so, yeah, if he isn’t scared of a group of angry women, he’s an idiot, rapist or not.
Lol did you ever see the ninja warrior where they let men and women compete at same time? USWNT vs U15 FC Dallas go ahead and google it. Why do you think there is a womens league, and and weight divisions? What are the differences for male and female military standards? I could go on. Enjoy your fantasy I’m sure it won’t turn out poorly.
Yeah, but the key difference here is numbers. A man outstrips a woman of similar training at most of that stuff (testosterone is a hell of a drug), but the moment you have numbers on one side it changes things. It’s dramatically more difficult to protect yourself from multiple opponents and more opponents means a higher chance someone has some kind of weapon. So unless hypothetical rapey dude has a gun, it’s a very poor idea tactically.
You are thinking way to much about stuff that don’t check out. Rape man using logic? Tactically it would be better to spend all this effort into finding a sexual partner who is into the things you like. Lots of people are into roleplaying. Also I haven’t ever seen roves of Amazon woman. Usually when some lady is being physically assaulted(deserved or not) all the comments are “ain’t no real man gonna step up and protect her.” But I’ll wait feel free to links some video evidence of what your describing.
My dude, the only reason why rapes don’t happen around witnesses is because people put a stop to it. I don’t know why you want to argue this point.
I went to an Alamo Drafthouse once with an interesting bathroom set up.
When you walk up to the restroom, there’s a large bay of sinks. To the left is a door that leads to a room of urinals and to the right is a hallway of stalls. Everyone just goes where they need to and since the sinks are out in the open where everyone sees and passes by, there’s more social pressure to wash your hands.
The best, bar none, engendered public restroom I’ve ever seen was less of a restroom and more of an area. It was basically just a hallway coming from a main area in the establishment. The hallway was lined with doors. Each was a “stall” that was just a closet with a toilet. Full hight doors for privacy. At the far end of the hall was a line of sinks to wash your hands afterwards.
Now, do I think this is perfect and cannot be improved? Hell no. It’s pretty flawed, but I’ll tell you that it’s less flawed than what most buildings that are open to the public have… Far less flawed. Gendered bathrooms are weird. IDK why people are so adamant about keeping them. I mean, I don’t have a men’s room and a ladies room at my house, do you?
Yeah, they’re great, I hadn’t seen or heard about those before going to that Alamo. A hallway of stalls is a better phrase for describing it than I used. I did like that the alamo drafthouse had a room for urinals, so you don’t end up with pee all over every street from missed aiming.
They could add a little dispenser of cleaner to the stalls, like they have at bucees. It’s like a soap dispenser at the sink. You squirt it on some toilet paper and can use it to make sure the seat is clean before you sit down.
That dispenser idea is gold.
That should absolutely be a thing.
I’ve never understood the privacy argument. There’s a door for a reason so no one can see anyone in there anyway. Do women not want men watching them wash their hands? I don’t get it.
I get it if they’re your typical stall doors, those things are not great for privacy, but anything more robust than that, I would agree with you.
The only other qualm I can see would be resolved by ensuring that every stall has a garbage can.