I had something similar happen once when I was a teenager, working McDonald’s. Keep in mind, is not PTO it’s just ‘don’t schedule me these days’. Handed my request to a manager like a month in advance. Before I went in the family vacation, double checked everything was fine. When I got back from vacation, went to work to get the next schedule only to get stopped and informed I was fired for ‘no call no show’.
The one manager that didn’t like me for some reason (honestly don’t know why) had changed the schedule to explicitly get me fired. The manager I handed my request to was there and even said she remembered my request and putting it in the books but claimed there was nothing they could do.
Technically, I’ve been fired twice from McDonald’s (second time was years later at a different McDonald’s and basically the owner thought my hair was too long and I had ‘girls hair’). So I cut McDonald’s out of my life a long time ago. And it brings me great joy every time I read about McDonald’s having financial problems or people not going there as much as they used to. I hope I live long enough to see McDonald’s file for bankruptcy. And all the managers that wronged me, I’ve never forgotten. I wish them nothing but unhappiness and misfortune for all their days.
Yeah, the McRib is back tho.