Not everyone thinks this, but I know an extreme right-winger who thinks this. He is also a conspiracy theorist who thinks non-white people are out to get white people so, yeah, odd.
Not every immigrant is illegal or bad. I know a girl who didn’t speak English for 3 years when her family legally immigrated, so of course she’s been told this.
someone called my Ukrainian coworker a wetback.
i just… want you to think about that and what it says about how dumb bigots are
I feel both superior and stupid at the same time in this moment. I don’t know what a “wetback” is. Based on context I’m going to guess it’s some kind of racist remark that doesn’t apply to Ukrainains. But for the life of me, I can’t think of what it would even be saying.
So I feel stupid for not knowing…but also like I’m probably the better person for NOT knowing.
it’s a racial slur against latin americans. it’s referencing backstroking across the rio grande
A thousand guesses, and I would have eventually landed on it being against Latinos (necause there’s only so many races). But I never would have correctly guessed the Rio Grande part.
That’s some very very specific racism right there.
race is a social construct. it’s a tool of the oppressor.
Biologically, there are no multiple human races. There is a single human species. Socially, there are an infinite number of races.
The concept of race is foundational to racism, the belief that humans can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.
The use of races to distinguish people socially is playing right into the racists’ playbook by forcing you to play on their turf, where reason is out of the window.
LOL reminds me about the bigot during the first Trump administration harassing Puerto Ricans because he claimed they are aren’t American citizens. Get ready for even more of this nonsense in the next 4 years, ugh.
A lot of people are influenced by alt-right news (Fox News, Newsmax, OAN) who keep repeating the false claim that undocumented immigrants are mostly gangsters and violent criminals. In truth, undocumented immigrants are way less likely to commit a violent crime than an average American citizen.
Trump said, regarding the first deportation flight:
Three hundred people sitting on a plane. Every single one of them is either a murderer, a drug lord, a kingpin, the head of the mob, or a gang member
Yet none of those deportees had any criminal conviction in either country (according to Newsweek, a slightly-right news source).
That’s the great thing about racism, it doesn’t have to make sense!