The tolerancing on this thing must be a nightmare. My engineering brain is upset
I see nothing built in to aid in unlatching it.
What, you wanted to open the gate too?
No one said anything about opening it in the feature request
you use your fingernails to pry it open while pushing the dick part out
I’m suspecting it’s a 3D render
Ya there’s no way it’s useful enough to have been used long enough for rust to form on it.
You just know the designer has never used an outdoor/farm gate before
I’m fairly sure it’s a content creator that just designs stupid latches for content
Look at this fucking latch.
You know that a guy came up with that and intended for it to look like a cock going into a vag
Why do you think it was a guy?
Because men love making things unnecessarily phallic in design
We tried vagina shaped skyscrapers but they just didn’t work.
And don’t get me started on the vagina shaped swords…
The “Just the Tip” system.
Y’all crazy
[insert NSFW tag copypasta here]
So does this table.
Damn that’s hot
Looks… Well